Sunday, July 22, 2012

Joker's Wild!

 One of the challenges of Western Mah Jongg is learning the ins and outs of Jokers. These little guys can cause more grief than any other tile in the game! The question I hear most often is, "Where can you use 'em?" *
Answer: Jokers can only be used in sets of 3, 4, 5, or more. ** 
But what, I hear you ask, defines a set? Simple:
 a set is all tiles exactly the same. 

For example:

Example sets:
3 Nine Dots
4 Flowers (I know they look different, but they're the same. Trust me.)
4 Souths

 On the right, you see the same sets, but with jokers included.

 Without jokers, Quints (sets of five) are simply impossible!

Do I need to have a representative tile in a set? What? Can I have an all-joker set to represent, say, 3 Nine Dots?
All-joker sets are just fine and dandy. Except your opponents may turn plaid with envy.

No-go Country for Jokers
Can Jokers be used in a pair? NO! To quote the Official Standard Hands and Rules (AKA the Card): "Joker or Jokers can NEVER be used for single tile or pair." No place for a joker.

Not in the 2012 (year) groupings either. See? There's no place for the Joker.  Sad, sad joker. And sad, sad player who calls "Mah Jongg" with that in their hand.
See us at Game Empire San Diego on Sundays at 3 for Mah Jongg. Beginners welcome!
 *  Sometimes this question is expressed a bit more colorfully, but I have cleaned up the language for clarity.
**  Yes, sometimes there are sets requiring 6--yes, 6--duplicate tiles. Crazy, yet, but it's been known to happen.

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